Atelier Ellis

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Percy finds the Sun - a children's story.

I started Ellis Paint because I wanted to help people tell their own story of home - paint and colour as a conduit to story telling and memory marking.

The notion of home has always been incredibly important to me, from the first understanding of what it could be as a child, to what I know is important to me today.

The WONDER collection took me back to being that child - and the incredible freedom that a good childhood can offer. Hopefully loved, safe, optimistic and encouraged into being the best version of yourself.

And so I thought, wouldn’t it be a good thing to write a story to celebrate WONDER - not just a story, but a magical children’s story.

A story about what it is to change even when you don’t want to, how to find friends in strange places, being brave and planning a pilgrimage, doing the right thing and knowing that this is all enough.

And so on the eve of Solstice, we offer you Percy finds the Sun. By writer and poet Ed Prichard, it is a beautiful story and I hope one that you will enjoy reading - whether you are eight, 18 or 68.

It is free to download and read as a PDF or eBook (on your iPad or iPhone).

Please feel free to share with whomever you think would enjoy it.

One day we hope to bring to life with illustrations and as something you can hold in your hands, but for now - I hope you treasure it as much as we do.